Company clichés


Business cliches can be a great tool to help everyone in the office remember simple rules of running a successful business.

However, like any other popular saying, business cliches can be false or even misleading if you take them too literally. Key to these clichés is to take them with a “grain of salt”!

key to these clichés do not take them too seriously at first!

Business cliches You may have heard

“If it is not broke, do not fix it!” Common Meaning: If something’s going pretty well, do not try to do. better

Tip :. Every company will be required to comply with or prior to the time to enjoy continued success prioritize goals and work on them that promise the best return for your time and money invested.

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” Common Meaning :. All you have to do is come up with a great invention or innovation, and you will be flooded with companies

Tip: Creativity is definitely the key to be the front-runner in any business niche .

However not forget that if you market effectively and sell your product, you will be left in the dust behind your competitors.

“Do not re-invent the wheel.” Common Meaning :. It is better to do things the usual way

Tip: Granted, sometimes simple is best. While you do not want to re-invent the wheel, it does not mean that the bike (product or service) can not be “tweaked” a bit to make it one that stands out from the rest.

“The ball is in the court.” Common Meaning: It’s up to you to make the next step

Tip :. Take your time to take decisions on the next steps for your business. Sometimes the best decision is to walk away from the proposal that may look great initially, but when you dig deeper, you realize that it is best for your business if you reject.

“Swing for the fences. …” Common Meaning: Try to hit a home run and score some runs! In other words, trying to make an unusually big success every attempt

Tip :. Be consistent and efficient in small parts of the business, and now and then you will enjoy the “home run” too. Focus on the details. Successful business people in the world do not get to where they are in one fell swoop – they build their business slowly and steadily

“Act in haste, repent in leisure.” Common Meaning :. If you do it too quickly without thinking it through enough, you’ll probably have lots of time to regret poor decisions

Tip: Do not wait forever to decide and do employ rational decision-making skills with all the facts in hand before moving forward with any aspect of your business.

“Do not sweat the small stuff” Common Meaning :. Do not worry about little things; focus a large part of

Tip :. Do little things matter? Yes! (See the next cliche.)

“It just takes time …..” Common Meaning: Many believe clichés like “. Time heals all wounds” “Give it time. ” “This too will pass.”

Tip: Time does heal minor offenses between affiliates, but deep-seated problems will require more direct approach to resolve completely. Challenges in business will require time to evaluate the problem, excellent problem solving skills, and impeccable timing

“The devil is in the details.” Common Meaning :. It is very important to dot all “i’s and crossed all the” t “s

Tip :. Do you know and trust the person handling the finances and management of the company Make sure to have the internet ? of people who actually serve as a “checks and balances” for each other

“Go for the low-hanging fruit.” Common Meaning :. It is better to take advantage of the easiest pickings first.

Tip: Instead of being like everybody else, to your product or service stand out from the rest – a unique – and you’ll collect a company in your field

“Business as usual.” Common Meaning: It’s normal, routine way business is established, the institution (This is one of the busiest clichés that actually includes several different things.)

Tip: Every company experiencing difficulties. Perhaps your business is to continue to make changes to keep up with the times despite the obstacles placed before you. Or, perhaps you need to consider making some changes to “stay in the race” and not only keep your existing customers happy, but to attract new ones too.


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