3 dote Business Success Tips


New to dote distributor? Or maybe you’re thinking about becoming a distributor dote you want to learn how to succeed with your new business before you start.

here are three Success Tips every dote consultant needs to follow:

1. Set goals for your business. Be specific and clear about what you want to have happen and things like how many people you will talk to each day, Why to start your business and long-term goals.

Ideally enroller and your sponsor will help you in figuring out what this should be. For example, large my goal for 2012 is to reach the level of Silver. Memory of my goals is to time the two classes per month and two webinars per month for the online audience in addition to blogging every day and create and share at least one new video per month. The biggest My vision is to also help 1,000 mothers of children with disabilities to stay at home with their children and to discover the power of Dote essential oils for health and wellness.

2. Schedule the first essential oils basics of your class within your first 30 days in business. Invite everyone you know in your area to attend. Then follow up with the people who attend and those who could not make it and invite them to either become a wholesale customer, become independent product consultant and start their own home business, buying retail, to host their own essential oils class, or to come to class if they could not do it the first time. Classes are the number one most effective method of building dote business, so you want to make sure to schedule them regularly and often. A good plan is a 1-2 of their own category in the months and 2-3 more classes a month with other machines. You can also create variety by offering theme categories such as weight loss, pets, cooking, healthy and happy children and more.

3. Be consistent with that of oil with new people and to follow up with people who have already tried them. The number one key to a lot of customers and consultants dote business is to share oil and let people experience the incredible healing power but it will not work for you to do it occasionally or just when you fell like it. You need to keep sharing oils and daily at every opportunity you get. Pay attention to when people talk about their health problems or what is wrong with their help and then offer them the oil that will help them with their specific need.


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