Build Home Business As A Marketing Consultant Overnight … With this laughably simple strategy


One of the best things about having a home business is that it is so easy to grow when you get a customer or two.

Why do I say this?

Simply because a little thing called a “reference.”

In fact, when it comes to references 2 + 2 can sometimes equal 10 … because every customer you have is potentially worth one, two, three or even five other customers in the future

As someone who teaches people how to become a home based internet marketing consultants, for example, I have seen all companies based entirely on referral marketing – .. that is fast, free and very consistent

But here’s the thing:

get referrals is becoming almost a lost art today. And few people really seem to understand how it works

For example, there is something called

What do I mean by

simply this. “Timing.” The main thing that you should ask for referrals is going to be different with each customer and customers.

Sometimes they are so excited and happy with your work you can ask for references almost right out of the gate. Sometimes it takes three or four months before it starts to work and you can ask for referrals.

Really it comes down to when the client gives you a buy signal.

At that point, all you have to say is: “Listen, I’m excited that this is working for us You feel like it’s working for you.?” or “I’m glad you found my product, you think it has been a real value to you?”

When they say “Yes,” it is when you ask for a referral.

And at that point you can say something like: “Well, it would be OK if we may strengthen a little course for some of the clients that I can share this service / product / ideas with some of them? ”

Almost no one denies that, because it is such a “win / win” for all involved. The customer provides more value to customers, you get more contacts and the people who attend to learn something of value they can actually use.

Is it really so easy and simple to get booked up with clients in a home business?

It sure. And if you simply learn the art and craft to ask for references, you’ll be able to do exactly the same, as quickly and just as easily.


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