Hvernig Til Vera A Ráðgjafi Eftir starfslok


eftirlaunum? Langar þig til að enn vera í leiknum? Þá telja samráði sem starfslok sjálfstætt starfandi.

Í flestum sviðum sem þú lærir eitthvað. Hvort sem þú ferð í skóla fyrir það eða ekki – þú orðið eins konar sérfræðingur í akur þinn. Sama hvað það er. Til dæmis, ég veit eftirlaunum Slökkviliðsstjóri. Hann er að íhuga mismunandi leiðir hann getur stuðlað að samfélagi og gera smá fyrirtæki út af því. Hann ætlar að búa til öryggisnámskeið / skoðun þjónustu. Góð hugmynd.

Það eru margar leiðir til að fara um að deila þekkingu þinni eftir starfslok. Þú getur sett upp blogg og byrja að skrifa ábendingar. Fólk mun koma. Þú getur notað flugmaður, fara í sýningum, taka þátt félög o.fl.

þú vilt fara þar sem hugsanlegir viðskiptavinir þínir eru. Svo hér eru nokkrar ábendingar fyrir að fara fram:.

Skref 1 – Skilgreina Perfect viðskiptavinur

Aldur, kyn, atvinna – osfrv Skrifaðu það niður. Hvar þeir hanga út? Gera þeir hafa ráðstefnur? Blogs

Skref 2 – Finna The Hurt -. Stir It Up

Nú þarft þú að skilgreina hvað þú getur gert til að draga úr sársauka þeirra. Þetta er að fara til vera the undirstaða af vellinum þinn. Við skulum taka Slökkviliðsstjóri okkar sem dæmi. Hann örugglega hægt að gera heimili þitt eða fyrirtæki öruggari. Engar efasemdir. En hvernig á að sannfæra tilvonandi kaupanda? Nota óttast tap.

Gerðu lista yfir allt sem gæti farið úrskeiðis við vissar aðstæður. Tap á heimili, líf og fyrirtæki. Þá getur þú gert það svo með því að ráða þig sem þeir geta dregið að óttast. Í sumum tilvikum gera hið gagnstæða. Þú kasta á hagnaðarvon. Þetta virkar á þjónustu sem hjálpa fólki að spara eða græða peninga. Þú getur notað bæði ….. mjög árangursríkt

Skref 3 -.. Skrifaðu kasta

Fyrsta þú skrifar það niður í langan hönd. Hvað særir eða hugsanlega fá? Líkamleg meiða, eign, peningar – allir möguleiki tap með því að nota þjónustu þína og þekkingu. Hvað steypu hagnaður? Þá skrá það niður setningu eða tvær

Skref 4 -. Start Marketing og Never Stop

Nú þú ferð að mögulegum viðskiptavinum þínum með kasta þínum. Haltu ókeypis námskeið. Fara þar sem þeir hanga út. Viðskipti félag. Algerlega byrja með vefsíðu / blog. Nema þú hafa góðan vef – þú munt eiga erfitt með að rekast á eins trúverðug. The bragð með vefsíður fyrir ráðgjafa er að gefa í burtu 80% af þekkingu þinni -. Og hlaða eins Heck fyrir the hvíla


Þetta er leiðinlegt. efni. Fyrst, láta mig segja að það eru tvær tegundir af “ráðgjafa”. Fólkið sem raunverulega gera snertið ekki-á vinnu (þeir í raun ætti ekki að vera kallaðir ráðgjafar, en verktakar) og fólk sem skilur mál viðskiptavinarins og getur tækið snjall og framkvæmanlegur lausnir. Það er það sem þú vilt vera.

Hleðsla peninga

Þú þarft að fá greitt. Hversu mikið á að hlaða er alltaf vandamál að reikna út. Hversu mikið er þinn tími virði? Og meira máli – hversu mikið er gildi sem þú gefur virði til þinn viðskiptavinur? Ég hef nokkuð vel hætt ákæra fyrir klukkutímann. Hafa klukkutíma “rekki hlutfall” er gott, heimta sumir viðskiptavinir. Málið er með að þegar þú ert með tímagjaldi sem þú getur verið að bera saman. “Joe ráðgjafi niður götuna gjöld tíu dalir á klukkustund minna en þú.” Ef þú ert verktaki – fínn, það er hvernig það er. En ef þú býður upp á lausnir til að auka hagnað eða fá fleiri viðskiptavini – setja verð á vörunni

TÃmagjald verið stórlega.. Efstu ráðgjafar hlaða eins lögfræðinga. $ 200-500 / Hour. Sem nýr ráðgjafi – nema þú kemur frá efstu stöðu – byrjir á $ 95- $ 130 á klukkustund

Betri enn -. Pakka þjónustu og innheimta fast gjald. Það er það sem ég geri. Svo til dæmis, vinur minn slökkviliðsstjóra fer í fyrirtæki, er sumir spyrja og leita í kring og kemur aftur með lausn til að draga úr eldi áhættuþátt um 50%. (Ég er að gera þetta upp til að sýna). Með því að hugsa smá en og marr nokkrar tölur – þú reikna hann getur spara á tryggingar, gera starfsmenn hans líða betur og svo framvegis. Þá setja verð. Auðvitað, taka tillit til tíma og kostnaði. Þegar þú setur fast gjald sem þú þarft að þáttur í verkefni sem gæti tekið lengri tíma. Ef tímagjaldi er $ 100 -.. Reikna að minnsta kosti $ 150 / klukkustund fyrir fast gjald

Það virkar fyrir mig, er það umhugsunarefni


The disadvantages of Being a Consultant


There is quite Possibly some kind of dilettante independent consultant out there WHO does not really need to work to earn a living, is not Responsible for anyone else’s well-being, and Who can pick and Choose his (or army) Clients and their projects as the mood take him (or host). Life is all laid-back. “Ah,” you say, “you mean the HRH kind of thing.” Not really. The HRH kind of thing is Actually a team, in Any case. And he is an employer with Responsibilities for an office full of professional employees.

An independent consultant (IC) is just That – a one-off on his own; except that he (or she) may have a secretary / office-minder and sometimes Even two of Them, Although one or other of Them Will usually be away with some kind of pregnancy or a complications in her love life.

The art of the “disadvantages of being an independent consultant” always feels Phenomenal if you’re one of the ordinary rank-and-file WHO has to earn enough money to meeting the work of the business (phone bills, stationery, postage, motor car bills) and support some kind of a family.

There is the un-ending challenge of being expected to keep coming up with some new scheme, some new initiative, for achieving this OR that breakthrough in the promotion or business presentation or operating economies. You are expected to know everything about everything, or at least where and how You Can research it. God Bless the computer age and the ever-Increasing efficacy of the search engines – except you must always keep in the back of your mind the likelihood is that at least three of the Directors have young children WHO have Already found for Papa at least three definitive websites you probably have missed, and They Will be waiting to trap you in the boardroom. Not necessarily out of superintended Any personal malice, but to chalk up Their own brownie points with the Chairman.

But the biggie is the work-load. It is very Likely Immensen and intense. You and your consultancy survive in the long term only by taking on five, six, seven, eight or nine Clients at a time, on the basis That if you lose one client (maybe he goes out of business altogether) you still oughta to have enough fee income to Avoid “bleeding to death” (to use the vernacular of the trade).

But what the IC can not do with this catalog of Clients is tell Any of Them thatthey willhave to be only Priority Two or Three for your attention. They Will all expections to be Priority One.

Hence working Into the night and all through the every weekend Can Quickly become the norm, And the very worst nightmare is the client who, on Wednesday, finally remembers to tell you That he and all his Directors and managers will be going away on Friday night to stay at a seaside hotel for a two-day intensive review of company practice, and hope You will be able to be with Them. And you had been planning to do so many other Important things.

It is evenness Likely That none of Them are Even aware of the others for whom you are working and, generally speaking, it is best kept That way.

THE disadvantages OF BEING A CONSULTANT – 2

That is maybe alright if you have chosen to base yourself in some great regional capital, where there are Many businesses, and probably Many consultancies serving theme. But focus on a county-town environment for some notional ‘quality of life’ benefits and You Can be very Quickly in trouble When Client A asks you to come to a meeting to Discuss how to combat the sparkling new initiatives That have been launcheddirectly by rival Company B, innocently unaware That Company B is also your Client B and his “sparkling new initiatives” are all part of a nice business plan you had compiled, and now you are under orders to find a way to destroy it.

It is always good to read about Max Clifford and his adept handling of one of his high-profile celebrity cases for Which he is getting a celebrity-level fee That Will See Him ‘OK at the bank’ for some while to come.

But for the ordinary independent consultant It can ofter feel there are more disadvantages to being an independent consultant than there are Advantages.


How To Choose A Small Business Consultant: A difficult task Made Easy


One of the most difficult decisions

Business managers face many challenges while managing a small business. How to choose a small business consultant is among the most difficult tasks they need to do. The very first question that comes to mind when choosing a small business consultant is the size of a consulting firm. Business management to choose between large companies and smaller one. Put the answer in its simplest terms, if you need a custom solution, then my company most suitable for you. Otherwise, larger companies could be the best option to suit most standard requirements

The importance of personal contact :.

As a business manager or owner, it is difficult to choose a small business consultant. However, the job becomes even more difficult when it comes to any man to choose a job, because there is a relationship between individuals who are not the least important factor. Good small business consultant is one who not only leads business growth of its customers, but also takes interest in their personal lives. You should see the results of the relationship early and often to assess the level of satisfaction. This allows you to make a decision quickly – you can either continue the relationship or leave or find another consultant

High Quality and efficient services :.

No matter how difficult the job of choosing a small business consultant may be, it is always possible to get high quality services that are also cost-effective. If you choose the appropriate consultant, it is a question of size will be irrelevant. However, be a little careful because there are many people who use questionable and unethical way of trying to be known as a consultant

differ Hiring Employees for Business :.

One important thing to understand in the selection of a small business consultant is to employ the services of a small business consultant is quite different from hiring an employee. There is no harm in seeking advice on how to choose a small business consultant. Several regulatory bodies, including the IRS and Better Business Bureau, are very useful in this regard. This is a very important decision should not be taken lightly. There are plenty of examples of wrong choices that have caused a great debt to both parties

experience, Courage and Freedom :.

A business manager should consider several factors before selecting a small business consultant. The consultant should have enough courage and the freedom to not only a challenge, but also to change the opinions of customers every subject. He should have experience in business life. He should rather long-term relationships instead of just focusing on any one task.


Benefits of Hiring Business Consultants


Consultants are professionals who have extensive experience and knowledge of his. There are various consultants who are not only specialized in their area, but also offer alternatives to different situations. Hire consultants such as accountants and CPA ensures that the company is operating efficiently. Consultants are usually used to detect weaknesses within the company as well as strengths. A business owner can also approach the maximum market invasion.

There are many advantages to hiring a business consultant. Consultants are able to accept conditions that are usually overlooked by staff. Business owners pay them only when they are used and it gives them extra staff without any obligations. Furthermore, they update the experienced staff and are directed towards positive. Business consultants can help businesses grow in a number of ways and in a way that the owner can not even imagine. Most companies today do not have the ability to look at the mistakes and achievements of the past and make future plans based on them. Therefore, in order to be in front of the competition, business owners need to look for ideas and solutions to grow their business as well as maintain a healthy relationship with customers.

Professional experts provide detailed information on the various aspects of running a business efficiently. They can make a big difference in the success and growth of the company. When such experts are employed, owners get the knowledge and experience to suit their requirements. In addition, the owners also get more time to think about the core activities related to companies that can increase the productivity of the business. Business consultants work not only in the short term, in fact, they can become long-term aide business owner as well. Other benefits of hiring a consultant to employee productivity is increased and they are made to perform better. Great advice is also available when it is needed.

In addition, counseling can help right from the beginning of new companies to make the final goal. When you start a company, he needs the business and funds for its management. Well-prepared plan is something that will get financial institutions and others interested in investing in the company. Professional consultants of the company are the people who can make this process stress free for the owners. In addition, the owners plan to increase their sales, they need a marketing plan and again experts will be present to provide comprehensive market plan based on the market among customers, growth, competitors and customer behavior.

With the help of business professionals and comprehensive market plan, individuals can develop productive strategies to market their services and products and achieve the ultimate goal. The success of any business lies in understanding the adviser of company objectives. Therefore, before hiring a consultant, it is important to know the specific objectives in advance, which are targeted to be accomplished.


Home Party Consultant Business – Why it is the simplest way to Make Money at Home


If you’re thinking of becoming a home party consultant has many advantages. The benefits are a type of income and opportunities, freedom in your work, meet new people and have a lot of fun.

Segments Options be home party consultant are unlimited. You can keep the party everyday if you want. This might give you a chance to make hundreds of dollars a day. If you are looking for additional income, you can only hold a party once a month or so. The potential income is entirely up to you.

freedom in your work is one of the biggest benefits derived consultant. You will travel around to different places and go to parties. Your job is to keep the parties. Not only is it fun, but you have total freedom in your work. You are free to work when you want and how long you want. You can schedule your party for the whole day event or just for a couple of hours. You have full control over your time and schedule. Plus, you do not answer to anyone at any time. No one will tell you what to do but you.

meet new people is a very big benefit of a home party consultant. The great thing is that each party to keep the people will come. As you encounter new and more hostesses, will meet even more people. Not only will you build a network of customers and hostesses but you will also get new friends in the long run. Long-term friendships come out of relationships like this all the time.

The best part about being home party consultant is that you have a lot of fun in what you do. You get to sell a very cool product. You can choose the products you sell if you do not believe then you do not need to sell them. You can have a spa party at home, selling jewelry, clothing, lingerie, and so much more. You can design the party as you want it to be. You’re in charge and you are the boss. It may seem as if you have your own travel catalog. However, the business is run, it’s yours.

There are so many benefits to be home party consultant. You get to keep the bodies for a living selling fun products you choose. You can have a party selling different products every time you wind up the same person. This will give back customers a range of products to choose from too. There is a lot of freedom to work like this. Income potential is unlimited and very large benefit. You will appreciate the fact that you get to work when you want too. You get to meet new friends and expand network of customers and it is so easy to do. You do not need to be an expert in sales when you are a home party consultant. You just have a good time.


Business Consulting Certification – The Business Consulting Certification Process


Help other business leaders mold their business into the best they can be is the goal of business consulting. This unique process field is a mix of business smarts, strategic know-how and excellent communication skills. While some do it naturally, others require little training to succeed. Business counseling certification courses help students learn how to succeed in business operations and lead to certification credential that is suitable for business cards, resumes, and marketing, such as print ads or websites. Even people who seem naturally excel advice can benefit from this credential. Business consulting or management consulting, is not regulated in the United States, many business customers is to seek out certified consultants.

Becoming a consultant is a fairly simple process. The first step is to choose a business consulting certification courses. Second, students complete the course requirements. The third part of the process is a test that qualifies students for certification. After passing the test, there is only one more step: launching a successful consulting business by building a roster of clients. By the time the first three steps are completed, students should be sure and have a set of action steps to bring them to carry out their goals.

The first step is to choose a program. Business Consultancy certification courses should cover ethical considerations and consulting firm best practices. Curriculum content often consists of models and methods that have proved successful as well as practical case studies illustrating their application. Ethical and legal compliance is necessary, even while optimization company to improve efficiency. Courses should also cover how to structure consulting project, a model for the delivery of consulting and managed services line. Brand and customer acquisition and retention are also important issues for some courses cover.

Another consideration is the instructor of the course. The best trainers have extensive and varied real business consulting experience. Those with international experience are even better because of increasingly global nature of modern business. A qualified and experienced teacher can encourage and help students to see the actual experience in the field instead of the imagined one. The course is a matter of time management. The relatively short time frame of less than six months is great for keeping motivated to finish and earn certification credentials. After having completed the course and test, new consultants can start a lucrative consulting adventure.


Business Development Consultants


When it comes to improving the operations of the company or building a solid business from scratch hire companies of business development consultants are a great way to increase your profits and develop a solid business plan. They are well experienced in many areas of business and are in the best position to give advice and training company needs to be better.

Hiring a development consultant is going to cost you money, but it is important to see this as an investment for your business. They are often very well to improve it for your business, simply because all the advice they offer is tailored for your specific situation, yet with good years of experience in all areas of business. When you are looking for a coach, it’s worth looking for one with proven experience to get the best you can for your money.

adviser will take an objective look at how the business is run, looking for any areas where things could be improved and help you work out the best possible direction you can take your business. They will help you to work out concrete goals, put them into a plan of action to help your business grow steadily

These are just some of the advantages of hiring business development consultant -. There is really no limit to how far they can help your business, especially if there has been a problem in recent years. The cost of hiring a consultant will be more than paid off!


10 Tips for hiring Business Consultant


In order to find a good counselor and establish a trust relationship, there are 10 steps that will help you hire the best advice you can afford

First , breaking down each element service consultant you will achieve. Consider them carefully to determine whether you can handle any of them without the help of consultants. You do not need a specialist to work with the things that you are able to perform on their own.

Second , ask a specialist to give you the names of references from other companies that have used his or her services. Contact references and ask them some useful information about its services. For example, advice adviser useful? Was adviser easy to reach and consultant would act quickly?

Did consultant treat business as a priority? Was consultant knowledgeable in the areas that were important to you?

third , interviewed two or more advisers before choosing one. Even if the consultant is a very good reference, yet you will find that you can work well with them that you can handle. Ask each consultant experience in areas that are important to you. Be sure that the adviser can give you a full and prompt service that includes giving you full attention at the meeting. Ask the consultant to discuss the problems they see for your business and how they would respond to every problem.

Fourth , be sure that the consultant can explain things to your satisfaction. The consultant should be able to provide a continuous source of new ideas to control costs, improve profits and help you build a stronger more efficient management team. A good consultant should help you achieve your goals and objectives. The consultant must be able to clearly express all these ideas to you and your staff.

Fifth , discuss fees adviser. Is consultant Bill flat fee or a bill for an hour?

Check the going rate for the same type of consultant in the industry. Do some research to be sure you are paying the right amount for the services you require. Also, find out what the cost will be expected to pay. Discuss payment of costs in advance and agree on what expenses will be your responsibility.

Sixth , be sure consultant Errors and omissions insurance. If the consultant makes a mistake that costs the company money, you have to be sure that insurance consultant will cover your losses.

Seven , be sure you have a written contract specifying the terms of the relationship, agreed services to be performed, and the time in which the work will be completed. The contract must be signed by both parties.

Eighth , be sure that the consultant is available to perform the job within the time you need. You do not want to hire consultand is already too busy with other work.

Ninth , contractors are free agents, they may work for the competition after task. Therefore, you have signed a confidentiality letter from the consultant.

Tenth , present adviser to employees before they start to ask who this person is and why they are asking for information or files or projects of your company. The consultant should be introduced for permanent employees, especially those he or she must work.

Jo Ann Joy, Esq., MBA, CEO

Future business starts here!

You can contact Jo Ann by phone (602) 663-7007, by fax at (602) 324-7582, by email at joannjoy @ Indigo Business Solutions.net , and by mail at 2313 East Ocotillo Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85,016th copy of all disciplines will be provided free of charge.

Information on other important issues of legal, tax and companies, free copies of articles or eBooks, please visit our website at u> www.IndigoBusinessSolutions.net. Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Indigo Business Solutions is a registered trade name.


When using the Turnaround Business Consultant


When a company is struggling managers generally have three options:

– to fix it, either outside bankruptcy or by taking advantage of the protection of some methods offer

– to sell it, usually to someone who thinks they can fix it; or

-.? to submit it

This article discusses the “fix it option ‘, and what the turnaround firm or individual turnaround consultant make

In fact, turning a business around involves reverse its decline and restore Firstly stability and then, secondly, to use this as a base from which to re-grow its value. But good turnaround consultant or turnaround companies, but the company doctors can try to heal the sick, they can not raise the dead.

Conditions for successful turnaround

The starting point for most turnarounds is the brutal assessment of whether they have the necessary seven elements in place to stand a realistic chance of success are:

1 A viable core ( or a company) is, or can quickly be made, economical then act as the basis of future growth can be restored.

2 Time to carry through the reversal, if they are started too late that they will either not or require the protection of bankruptcy.

3 Funding, as it is usually cash that provides companies with the time it is also true that turnarounds need money to perform as there are often costs associated with both the first restructuring (such as redundancy costs) followed by finance potential regrowth company. This funding must be generated from within either the trading company is, or by selling surplus assets, or outside with refinancing or attract new investors.

4 mark, a clear vision of what the business will look like when it has been changed to restore success, which then provides the management of both the target and motivation.

5 Managers in the business with the faith and will to win to reach the goal, which also sufficiently effective and situational skills to be able to succeed, or access to external resources management to provide additional support when and where it is needed.

6 Support from key stakeholders of the company is, where the most important in the crisis stage is often the bank, but in truth the management company can not do it on their own and they need to be able to pick up a wide range of people including suppliers, customers, employees, bankers, shareholders and others with them.

7 So, give these stakeholders confidence in the plan and the process, as they need to be convinced that the management company is that were in charge of the company’s problems have the ability to get it out again, which usually needs a clear and organized plan and an active program of communication to keep them advised of progress.

An eligible turnaround consultant, as a member of the Institute for turnaround, promoted as Chief Restructuring Officer will bring important situational skills to the process from the extensive experience of dealing with such situations before and will focus on lead the company through restructuring. They will be able to “talk the bankers (and, if necessary insolvency practitioner’s) language, and help give these important credibility to the program by driving communication with key stakeholders.

Stages turnaround

turnarounds usually go through three different stages and while finance, people and marketing issues need to be addressed in each phase, priorities change at all from a financial marketing orientated as turnaround progresses.

turnarounds usually start with Cash crisis, where management priority focuses on short-term survival of the business and solve the immediate crisis. This often involves slimming company down viable core and reduce its portfolio of products and markets only those that are clearly profitable. Cutting staff numbers is often needed at this time but it is important to ensure that you keep the key staff that you want to keep committed to the company while you do it.

a period of stabilization and preparation usually follows the end of the immediate crisis. This is the time to organize regrowth of business you develop new products and markets. Ensure that you have the right management in place to take the business forward and take the measures required tosecure financial facilities that you need for the increased business levels.

Finally, you will need to achieve regrowth needs to return value to the company based on achieving long-term sustainable competitive advantage and financial stability

main task turnaround plan

A successful turnaround process involves the five major projects :.

1 Recognizing the need, to solve the problems you have in the first place to realize that you are one, what it is, and you have to deal with it.

2 Surviving to do it, as to fix the problem you are to avoid being pulled down by the immediate cash crisis, and in doing so get a strong grip on the finances of your business and what these tell you about its performance, problems and possible solutions.

3 Deciding what to do, as you have to take an objective look at the internal strengths and weaknesses of your business, and external opportunities and threats to the environment in which it operates. Only then can you develop appropriate policies and short- and long-term priorities which then will be detailed action plans show who is going to do what, when and what success looks like.

4 Making a plan happen by locking in the support you need from stakeholders and govern your people and to keep them and the stakeholders informed and engaged; process control, constantly looking for the next quick victory while also continuously monitoring the plan against reality and changing circumstances; manage the business, keeping an eye on the numbers and everyday activities; control inherent risks insolvency turnaround situation; and finally control myself like any turnaround activities will be stressful and challenging.

5 And finally, continue to face as when your company has you need to keep it going so using the skills and techniques you have developed a turnaround to ensure that it continues to success.

course information in an article like this can never be a full statement of the legal position that the relevant laws are complex and may change. This article is only for a general guide to the issues involved, and you should always seek appropriate professional advice on your own particular circumstances before taking any action.


Top 7 Tips to Hiring a Business Consultant


Have you ever considered hiring a business consultant to assist you in the expansion of the company? It often makes sense to do this if you own a small independent company, which is not associated with any dealer network or franchise system.

But you have to be careful when hiring a business consultant. Are you sure they know what they are talking about, to understand the dynamics of the market or industry? If not how can you be sure you will not be wasting you money? Here are the top 7 tips to hire a business consultant for your business.

1). Make sure that the self and self fit them, if they are too much of a bully will cause endless non-productive friction.

2) Read up on any and all previous articles and advice of this consultant has set out. it seems to be worthy of advice?

3). Do not be fooled by pure professionalism or titles, sure it is good, but they are faking it, or do they really know their stuff.

. 4) Ask them their fees up front and what you get for this beforehand. Come to understand and agree in writing to be sure you are on the same page.

5.) Try to find a consultant who knows everyone in the industry and is well connected.

6). Verify the information advisers keep right and not over decorated, they are able, experienced and have done this before.

7) Give them a test run on something that you know they do speak the same language with real policy skills or are they blowing smoke and work more as a politician?

Indeed I hope you will consider this in 2006, when hiring or scouting out the right business consultant for growing your business.
